Low fat vs Low Carb
Which "diet" works the best and for what group of people>
This is the question that has been asked over and over again as Americans and the rest of the world are becoming more obese by the year.
Which "diet" works the best and for what group of people>
This is the question that has been asked over and over again as Americans and the rest of the world are becoming more obese by the year.
Do you often tell yourself you really should start exercising to improve your health? Do you wish you had the strength and energy to play with your kids more? Go on an adventure vacation? Or just accomplish everyday tasks? What if I can show you an exercise that can be done anywhere and with a really small time commitment that will also give you a whole ton of benefit?
Whether it be the full sugar version or the 'diet' version, soft drinks are damaging your health in a number of ways.
Is the thought of sitting down and repeating “OM” on repeat, or paying attention to your breathing is just a little too hippy dippy woo woo for you?
Common wisdom says everyone needs eight 8oz servings of water per day. That's half a gallon or almost 2 liters of water daily depending on your country of measure. How true is that?
Wellness SNiPs are designed to help kickstart your "well-style" by helping you to change one small habit at a time, culminating in perfect health. The SNiPs are written as short-format, but if you're REALLY pressed for time just read the headers (TL;DR style) which will give you the what, why, and how of today's particular habit shift.
Your New Year's resolution is to lose weight and get in shape. You've vowed to go on a diet and go to the gym. How do I know this? It was my resolution for like 20 years running. I can also see it at my gym - every January it's overrun with people, by March it's the usual regulars. So what is it about the usual regulars?